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The Protector of the Earth
In Psalm 76, we see that Jesus intends to bring all who are willing to follow him into a new era of protection and cosmic peace.

What's Happening?
Jerusalem is under attack, but God will protect his people at any cost. Like a warrior hidden in a thicket or a soldier encamped on a battlefield, God is on Jerusalem’s side (Psalm 76:2). Asaph recalls when a 185,000-man Assyrian army camped just outside Jerusalem’s walls (Isaiah 37:33-36). Victory seemed impossible, but overnight the arrows, swords, and shields of Assyria were all disarmed (Psalm 76:3). Like the sun blinds those who stare at it, God’s protective word immobilized all the Assyrian soldiers. All who intended harm to God’s people died (Psalm 76:4-6). Even if Jerusalem is under attack, there is no one God’s people need to fear, except God himself (Psalm 76:7-8).
But God does not only intend to protect the current citizens of Jerusalem. God protects all who are afflicted by their enemies (Psalm 76:9). God is angry at oppression and intimidation, not just when it’s directed at Jerusalem, but all neighboring lands and peoples (Psalm 76:10). And any king who dares harm any of God’s creations should fear what will happen to him. God is the protector of the entire earth, and those in power have only two options. Either they bring gifts and pledge their fealty to him, or God will topple their kingdoms and liberate those afflicted by their rule (Psalm 76:11-12).
Where is the Gospel?
God’s protection of his people is like the sun. And in the final chapters of the Bible we’re told that all the leaders of the earth will bring tribute to the God who lives in a Jerusalem full of light (Revelation 21:23). It shines so brightly and forcefully that the gates of this New Jerusalem never need to be shut. It’s a symbol of perfect cosmic peace. The gates don’t need to be shut because there are no enemies left to invade (Revelation 19:15). And instead of immobilizing armies, God’s light will draw all kings of the earth to humbly submit before the God who protects the afflicted.
When Jesus was alive he told those who were afflicted that he was the light of the world (John 8:12). That means Jesus is the protector of the earth, and all of us have only two options. Either we are with God and for the afflicted, or we are for our own kingdom regardless of the harm it causes others. We can either join his light or remain in darkness forever.
But anyone willing to follow Jesus never has to walk in darkness (John 8:12). Jesus came to bring peace to enemies, not be a warrior against them (Matthew 10:34). Jesus is the blinding light of God, but he intends to bring all who are willing to follow him into a new era of cosmic peace. So pledge your fealty to Jesus. Bring your life as a gift to him. And watch as God protects you, his former enemy, from all the enemies that might afflict and harm you.
See For Yourself
I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see the God who is worth fearing. And may you see Jesus as the Light of God who is coming to protect the afflicted and topple the proud.